Wednesday, March 30, 2016


Here at the shop, we did observe Easter.  It was a day spent in worship, family, and food.  I do hope that all of you had a safe trip to and from your various destinations.

Are you aware that Americans spent more dollars on Easter candy than they do for Halloween and Christmas?  I honestly did not know that.  I thought this may be true...then, I checked my store receipts for the candy I purchased for my two grand-sons.  They are RIGHT!

I don't blame anyone for spending a lot of money on their kids and grand-kids.  After all, this wondrous spring season is a time of new beginnings.  And of course, our kids are in the dawn of their lives.

Thinking of this, even during the terrible spring snowstorm here in Wisconsin, I got an inspiration and created this item pictured below and put it into the shop:

I became inspired about making this.  Here's the story behind it:

My faith is Christian, first of all.  In the very beginning, mankind was created and placed in a garden, and they were to take care of this garden.  Of course, we all know that they were kicked out of that lovely place.

Secondly, our Lord Jesus prayed in a garden before He was crucified as the Savior for our sins.

Third, regarding children, our Lord Jesus had this to say, "Let the little children come to Me, for of such are the kingdom of heaven."  He does love the children.

Fourth, Jesus appeared in a garden after His resurrection.

Finally, I believe Jesus will return.  And we will return, once again, to that wonderful garden...paradise found!

Of course, gardening is on my mind, because my husband is an avid gardener himself.  He loves to start his own seeds, plant them, tend to them, and watch them shoot out of the ground toward the sky!  We also have various annual flowers in containers all around the outside of our house.

So, while the rain, sleet, ice, and snow were pounding outside, I created this little pillow...a little piece of heaven. You can check it out for yourselves at our store site:  At first, it was going to be a sampler, but I thought it looks so much better as a decorative pillow...perfect for expectant parents, grand-parents, or just because they like it.

Here is the close-up of my embroidered design:

I designed the hand-embroidered panel myself, along with the various blooms shown.  The back and borders of the pillow are done in vine print calico in various shades of green.  Let me know what you think!  I'll be writing again soon.  Have a wonderful week, and good-bye for now..

Wednesday, March 23, 2016



Peter Cottontail is hopping down the bunny trail, getting ready to drop off all his colored eggs, jelly beans, chocolate rabbits, and the like!

Here at OakCreekCrafts, we're getting "new" vintage items into the store, along with this neat garden theme sampler:
You can find this at our shop for $25.99, including shipping.  Check out some other items we have in stock.

Do you have some old wooden spools around the house and are tired of using them as candle holders?  Here's a cute idea!  Just tuck a sprig of faux spring or other seasonal florals into one for an instant primitive vase!

What's great about faux florals is you do not ever have to worry about watering them.  You can use dried flowers from your garden; these would look lovely as well!

Need another great idea of what to do with old wooden spools?  Just bunch them together and tie them with some homespun fabric or raffia for a different shelf landscape!
Of course, you could still add some dried flowers right in the middle of this bunch of spools for a great sewing room decoration!  You can see these at our on-line shop as well.


I know that many of you are off from work on Friday.  Please be safe having that Good Friday fish fry.  And don't forget that Sunday, the 27th, is Easter.  Have a blessed and Happy Easter.

There is only one rabbit that is welcome at our house and that's this guy:
He isn't here to eat up our carrots, he's here to PLANT them! Yes, garden planting season isn't too far away.

Those of you who are being hit with the spring snowstorm, you have my deepest sympathy!  Here in Wisconsin, any kind of weather can happen, and we sure had an unexpectedly mild winter thus far.

However, I can remember in about 1988, when the lilacs were in bloom. The boats were in the lake; the pier was in the water all ready for the summer season.  Guess what? 

We got SNOW!  There was so much snow that the lilacs were buried in the stuff, and all bent over from the weight of the snow!

On the other hand, I can remember it being 80 degrees in March!  In Wisconsin, the weather can change every five minutes.  We all dress funny here, because we never know which way the wind will blow.  If you are near Lake Michigan and the wind changes, temperatures can drop from 80 degrees down to 60 degrees in a snap! you all know why we Cheese-heads look so strange!

Until the next time...bye for now!

Wednesday, March 16, 2016



Here at the shop, this is the week to show and wear your green!  St. Patrick's Day is on Thursday, the 17th.  My mother's birthday was on March 15th, so we always celebrated her special day with a cake all decked out in green frosting.  She wasn't Irish, but she loved it and got into the spirit of the holiday.   I created the doll in the picture below that reminds me of my mom, who is still an inspiration to me. She's available at

Spring always reminds me of my mom.  I can remember one Easter, she sewed a coat, skirt, and blouse for my sister and I, and also for herself.  We all went to church wearing the same colors and prints!  Back in my childhood days, everyone went to church dressed up (modestly, of course).  Today, some people don't seem to care how they dress, or don't even bother to go to church at all.  It's a sad thing to see now days.

Who remembers shows like Andy Griffith (Mayberry) and some of the other vintage TV shows?  People dressed up in their Sunday best to go to the movies, dinner, the theater, and even shopping!  I can recall long bus rides downtown with our mom.  We took the bus because back in the day, we were a one-car family.  You read it right.  One car.  My father took that to his job, and if Mom needed to go somewhere with us, she'd have us "get dressed" and catch the bus to go shopping.

While riding the bus, I recall having to wear little white gloves, along with my patent leather shoes.  There is still something about dressing up that makes a person feel good!  Wouldn't it be great if we could have a National Dress-Up Day?  How about it!?

If you agree, please post a comment.  I don't think we women should always dress like June Cleaver, pearls and all; but once in awhile, wouldn't it be great to do that and also put forth our best manners and be courteous to one another?

Until next time, bye for now!

Tuesday, March 8, 2016


A Warm Welcome to Our Feathered Friends!

Here is a photo our shop would like to share with you.  This little guy was "out on a limb" on Wednesday, March 2, 2016. It had snowed at our Wisconsin location the day before, a total of about 4.5 inches.  Here's to you, Robin!  Happy Spring, everyone; and cheer up, cheer up, cheer up!
This month we're welcoming the season around the shop. We will be stocking more of the nostalgic items that will be needing a good home.  Please don't hesitate to check us out at

However, even though it is beginning to look a lot like spring, here in Wisconsin it is always Packer season.  When we're not watching the game, we're still thinking about the Pack.  Yes, I am a dyed-in-the-wool cheese fan!  And I live behind the cheddar curtain (to quote a cousin of mine who now lives near the Chicagoland area).
Here at the shop, we've created a special "golden" snowman, wearing his Packer identity and carrying his sign to let everyone know where his loyalty is.  We decided to give him the name, "Larry", who enjoys Lambeau field all year long!  Check him out at the shop and be sure to let all your Packer fan friends know about him.  He should be posted in the shop within the next week or so.

Before long, we will be at the height of Packer season. Again, on any given Sunday the Pack plays, our streets in a lot of Wisconsin neighborhoods take on the eerie appearance of a ghost town.  I am creating these cute "Larrys" for a fall craft fair already, because in only a couple months, it will be gardening season, lawn cutting season, trimming season, and sun time season!

I know it's spring.  I know that summer's coming.  But, here in the Frozen Tundra of Wisconsin, we've always got those Packers in the back of our minds.

Well, bye for now, and keep an eye out for those robins!  Capture one if you can via camera and let us know where and when you saw them!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

March is Here! Easter Is This Month!

Good-Bye To February!

Good Day, Everyone!

Well, here it is!  March already.  Doesn't it seem like we just put up the Christmas trees, snowmen, and lights?  Here at OakCreekCrafts, it's always Christmas in one form or another.  Keep your eyes open and visit our shop during the year for Christmas, as well as any season of the year.

Thinking of Having a Garden This Year?

Here in the Wisconsin area, this time of year brings a strange craving...Fresh tomatoes!  Not the kind you find in the supermarket, but the ones that you place in the ground, feed and water, and watch them grow.  Finally, after so many days, you see that first tomato, beautiful and red on the vine.

My husband is very fortunate to have access to a greenhouse.  He starts his tomatoes from seed and lets them germinate there.  There are alternatives if you don't have this kind of good fortune.  Some folks have good luck starting their seeds in a sunny window; and garden centers have growing kits just for starting almost any kind of plant.

Here in Wisconsin, my husband usually starts his seeds around St. Patrick's Day.  So, now is the time to think about what areas you want your plants to grow in.  If you had a garden last year, it's a good idea to keep track of what is planted in which areas, so that you don't plant the same vegetable in the same patch of the garden year after year.  Crop rotation is key, even in a small city plot.

Kitchen Recycling

It's my hope that you don't throw all your vegetable scraps, coffee grounds, tea bags and egg shells into the garbage!  Please do recycle.  We do this all winter long.  Just remember, you can put anything into your compost pile except meat, kitchen grease, and bones.  Let's be kind to our garden, and it will be kind to you.


This little arrangement came to my mind, and I created it to welcome Spring.

These 7 cute country, cottage chic, shabby chic, eggs are hung together on thin jute cord.  A burlap bow completes the look.

This makes a neat spring country door hanger to greet friends and neighbors.  You can find it on our Etsy page at OakCreekCrafts

Looking for Something Special on your Easter Table?

These items are an idea of what might look great if you're into shabby or cottage chic decor.  I have two nice antique dishes to grace your table!

These two pieces are circa 1800s.  According to the website, the company did not use "& Co., Ltd" until after 1907.  Pictured below is the beehive trademark of these two pieces:
So, these pieces are O-L-D!  And they're costly, but it's worth the money to have a piece of the past.  You can see that there is crazing visible due to the age of the pieces.  But they're in very good shape with no chips or cracks.  You can actually USE these!  But!  Don't put them in a dishwasher, whatever you do!

Available at OakCreekCrafts